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tv   Fox 5 Morning News  FOX  April 25, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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and we've got a live report r from the scene straight ahead. >> plus a suspicious death under investigation in fairfax.fafax. learning about the victim andhea what neighbors say they heardaya before police arrived.. >> plus, ahead of tomorrow'somro big primary in maryland, tedyld, cruz and john kasich making a big announcement.nnncement. they're coordinating their campaign strategies to put aiest stop to donald trump. tru we'll tell you how the you how e frontrunner is reacting tois ri their plan. >> a live look outside on this t monday april 25th 2016.5th 201 it's going to be veryng t ver summer-like today. tod in fact i think it's going to t be a pretty awesome weather start to the work week.t to gary is going to talk about that, erin will have an update u on the already busy traffic morning on the fives the seven:05.ven: first we say good morning toay you, i'm holly morris.'molly >> and i'm wisdom martin. mar we will can up twelcome to fox5. breaking news from overnight.rng an assault at a park in a par montgomery county. >> an 18-year-old is dead andye he might not be thdee onlyot beo fox5's melaniea
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is the center way park inar i gaithersburg with the latest story. what can you tell us, mel. us, >> reporter: it looks like i the incident may have happenedap somewhere between this path bwen here, the parking lot and the ad ball field.ball fie we're only saying that becausetb that's where we see just a a little remnants of some police c tape. ta really the only sign here that anything happened at this park overnight.ov montgomery county police sayry they got the call around 10:09 : sunday night in there had been b an assault here at center way park. park we're in montgomery villageontg not far from lake forest mallt l just off of montgomery village avenue here on center way and a police came out here after the e they got the report of thatt f t assault and then we were told later this morning that the victim, the first victim inicti fact did not survive thoseho injuries but police did notic d say what the extent of theenof t injuries w they just said jus trauma so
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this point if year talkingearal about a beating a stabbing a a shooting, just don't know., don then we got a little more more information from montgomeryio county police saying that in fact three victims arrived ativ the hospital, at the holy cross emergency care center ce n here in gaithersburg.thsb three of those victims arriveded at the hospital we believe one that tha 18-year-old did not survive s his injuries.ur the other two we're told are hospitalized this morning. thisi montgomery county police sayry c they will not have any more details until sometime later today. back to you guys. g >> all right, mel. rig, thank you very much. 7:02 is the advertisement let's talk about a developing a story right now out ofborighnow centreville. today we may learn about aut a suspicious death of af 21-year-old man over the m ove weekend. police say he was found dead inside a townhouse on greshamreh lane. the neighborhood was shutigd down for several hours afteroura police got a call from a a family member. m neighbors say they heard as sa woman panicking before police arrived. >> i heard a wailing, a woman
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quite awhile. it sounded really bad and then d i saw the police and the ambulance so i figured somebody found somebody in notyn such a good situation.ituation. >> police say this was not asayh random act. they say they expect to have toh an 81 date today.oday >> happening today in h montgomery county the motherapoh accused in the disappearanceerhd of her two children is due to id be in court. katherine hoggle has a competency her children jacob and sara, s were last seen in 2014. beginning today in theintoda district, two high schools ino h the district will change their t dismissal times in hopes of deterring fights between students.stents mckinley technology high techn school will let students outus o at 3:05 and dunbar high school will let their students out at 3:25. now the changes will also a affect each school's start sta times by 10 minutes. mut both schools are about 10 minutes from the noma-gallaudet metro station s which was the scene
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massive student brawl earlier this month.this month. president barack obama isidn expected to announce major newam steps in the fight against a isis today. is >> those plans include sendingei an additional 250 u.s. troops. o to syria to join the 50he special operations forces for already in the war torn war tor country. the president will make thatwi k announcement in germany as hean wraps up his week long trip overseas.ov the move comes a week after wftr defense secretary ash carter announced the deployment of ae e similar number of troops to the brussels subway station hit by a bomb lastomb la month during a terroristing attack has reopened buteopene security still remains high.emas 16 people were killed last l month when a bomb went off wt during the peak morning travell period. period. today's opening means the subway system in brussels is back up to full capacity.apac brussels airport is still not fully well, it has been nearly ben 15 years in the waiting a key portion of the congressionalsi inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, 9/11 terrorist attacks kept secret for all these y >> now the obama administration may release atela
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conclusion about a possible posi saudi government connection to the highjackers. the white house is expected toh make its decision in the next several weeks. >> ♪>> >> all right. time to talk weather with gary mcgrady. >> no complaints here.o >> right. >> on this side of the desk. i don't know how it is over there. th >> are you kidding? 80 on ang?0 monday, sunny. >> 80? 80 we're going over that 80 mark. m >> i love to exceed expectations. >> i understand what you'reerst saying. >> if i throw 80 out there then people are even more elateed.elateed. >> under promise it's what you learn when you become a meteorologist on tv. that little qualifier. there's a lot of meteorologists that nobody thaty knows about. abo >> isn't everybody like a like >> everybody wants to be.body 51 degrees. i'm all for it, too.m al the more the merrier.rier 50 degrees for dulles.orulle gaithersburg is 48 and now n we've got everybody out of thero 30's so frederick has come up cu to 41 degrees and
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harrisburg -- martinsburg,arti pardon me martinsburg has come c up out of the 30's as well. wel warm and sunny today, t southwesterly winds five to 10, 84 degrees, 82 for leesburg -- yeah, 82 or soh, 8 r around dulles 83. so all you guys there inn loudoun county mostly in thetlye 80's, okay. oka manassas 85. fredericksburg probably therg p winner today, gets up to about 86 degrees.eges. leonardtown 78. 78. annapolis 72. 'cause you're by the water sobyw that's going to keep things a t little cooler for that you butyu still just gorgeous.or hotter for tomorrow. >> hm. >> i like what you guys said. i'm going us ye that on my thirh base baseball team.ea >> under promise over deliver.ev >> that's my new strategy for st the rest of the season. >> fact that you have to write it down -- >> i have to convince myself,. >> seriously. >> under promise -- promise >> you'ryou're writing that dowi pencil. >> let's move on to erin. it's been a busy morning ony mni the roads. roa >> that's right.>> that' i'll try to under promise and er
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big problems with the redd line. can customers can expectcustom delays of 20 minutes due to due single tracking between van ness and dupont circle incle i both directions so try to ease t some of those delays outboundel trains are bypassing woodleyoo park and cleveland park.nd pk use inbound trains for these t stations so if you are takingak red line make sure you checkou e the schedule and leave early, e you're going need that extraeed time. as for your morning commute we have typical delays 95 north nor dale city to woodbridge. south that are point throughnt u stafford very slow trafficery because of congestion. const independent traffic slow 395ndew northbound from the beltway to o seminary road. if you are taking the outer o loop an earlier crash south of 123 cleared. cle but delays are still veryll v heavy as you make your way down from clara barton parkway y to about leesburg pike. p also watch for extra traffic t on your inbound route.ou folks are taking thetaking secondaries so river road r cabin john parkway and clara barton seeing additional addio morning congestion at thating location. now in add did eggs t addition
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jams. a lot of slow moving trafficin from virginia.from vgini in maryland the inner loop ier l slow from 414 prince george'sin county across its wilsonson bridge.idge. nothing out of the ordinaryg ou there. five north is slow 301 too surratts road and then 21021 from swan creek to kerby hillk b road inbound is also slow. slo there's also a crash inbound i third street tunnel.d st tun it's in the work zone that ise already slow in massachusettssas avenue so delays there.dela thee give yourself plenty of extra e time to get through there areare and then watch for 395 delays d across the 14th street bridge. suitland parkway inbound slownbd across the douglas bridge. brid. slow moving traffic new york ney avenue inbound out by florida. so tons of slow movingons slo traffic. back to you guys. >> ♪ >> all right. with the clock running out onck the campaign trail t rwoaign t candidates are teaming up to are try to stop donald trump.naru >> it's an unprecedentednpcede alliance that has gotten gten reaction out of the outthe frontrunner himself.unner hi maureen umeh in the studiothetui with more. with more. there's a big part of me that thinks this just feeds right into what trump's selling anyway. >> it does, it does but whats bt comes to min
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election get any more strange? we keep asking that and yetet stuff keeps happening. hap republican primary no longer l every man for himself.or him it's officially two on one o with the cruz and kasich and campaigns announcing they'reannt teaming up to stop trump. t >> look, we're going to anngo a open convention. convention. >> we are likely headed to aded contested convention. >> still with the contested convention in mind suez and kasich have a new strategy. seg the kasich campaign says we will shift our campaigns resources west and give the cruz campaign a clear path in indiana.ana. >> think about who can win inutn the fall and i have read youe ay these numbers and i can read can you more numbers. >> and the cruz campaign says c that "our campaign will focusl its time and resources ines in indiana and in turn clear the te path for governor kasich toasico compete in oregon and newew mexico he." >> i'm going come in
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ton of delegates, donald trumpes is going to come in with a ton n of dollar gets and one of thee two of us is going to be nominee. >> donald trump said wow justus announced that lying ted and t a kasich are going to collude inol order to keep me from getting ke the republican nomination. desperation and a strategisttrag don't think there's any amount n of chaos there cruz ow orow kasich can drum up to deny donald the nomination.inat >> we're going win on thein o first ballot so all of this of party disruption that cruz is causing the end of the day isd f only going hurt the party. par it's not going to hurt trump. t >> and the cruz and kasichnd kas campaigns are asking outsidekint groups that may be spendingepe money in upcoming primaryri states to follow their leadw the and focus resources only where e the candidates have decided they will compete. now the question becomes is boms this effort too late to bee to effective? kasich will be in rockville today and so weay s could see the first part of o this plan go into that effect tt there this afternoon but as i ar said, wisdom and holly, ju
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when you thought thingsht couldn't get any stranger,ny str here you go. >> the chairman of the gop has already said the numbers areid going to be the numbers.the nu there's not going to be any b a game plan so i don't so i don't understand this whole strategy. in the words of the great philosopher jay-z numbershey-z don't lie except theept scoreboard. >> well, why not in thisl, whyoi election cycle why not.. >> but so here's my question.he i know of the five states haveee primaries tomorrow trump leadsmo in the polls by quite a bit. b how close are those other states? is he leading in? those as well in indiana. iia >> according, yeah, according ar to polls he's leading in those t states which is why kasich andah cruz feel if they team up they can disrupt this count butsrupts again it feels like it's toot' little too late because trumpaut is clearly so far ahead it'sadt' hard for him to not be thehe nominee but as both are sayingay look we've got an excited contested convention it lookslos like they'd like to seelike to s happen. we'll have to wait and see. >> and we need to not say ite e can't get any crazier. crazier >> i'm going to throw that throt phrase out the >> thanks mel.hank >> all right. >> 7:11 is the time.1 family and friends of prince
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attended a private ceremony for that star on saturday. s >> the service was held at theae late superstar's paisley parkeyk studio complex and home. h his sister tika nelson former collaborator sheila e. and former bass player larry graham were among those iner his remains have been crematedra and their final resting place will not be revealed to the public. public. sales of prince's music have skyrocketed since his deathte last week. >> more trouble for johnnynn manziel. indictment and possible jailnt a time he's facing.ti he' >> first another scary>> f s incident on metro. m. the tense moments on the rede line and how autmohorities arers responding this morning.di thi 7:12 is our time right now.
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>> ♪ >> live look outside on this monday. 7:14 is our time right now. kind of cool at 51 but weme are on our way to the 80's on a monday. mond we'll take it. >> ♪ >> so how soon we going get there?ere? >> 2 o'clock probably, something like >> 2 o'clock, okay.'clo, >> we wait until still hard to believe. bieve you start off in the 30's and you end up 80, 81, 82.2. a couple neighborhoods startedbt off in the 30's this morning. mi >> we're going to be near 90oine tomorrow.morr >> yes, we are. a >> excellent. >> mike thomas made that forecast.cast >> look at the disclaimor. >> he got the short straw.ho str he came in early this morninghig but i totally 58 to 85, this is the after school drop-off time for the teo kids.. they're going to want to wear w shorts this let them.or it will be a little cool too start, maybe a sweatshirt or something to get going but this afternoon it's going toerno be g ears temperatures right nowpera just so you know.ju 51 degrees here inst town. tow you've come up to 41 frederickre you've come up to 40 degrees,
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martinsburg, winchester 45,ter 4 learned ton 52, annapolis 52.ol just a great morning. sunny skies. sun is up and a lot of bluea lol sky and that's going to beue the trend.en more clouds tomorrow. tor temperatures tomorrow upper 80's. so we're mid 80's at a. today. today. upper 80's tomorrow. torro >> i feel bad. feel i set out pants.ants. i put short sleeves and pantsnd because it's chilly in theit morning. >> it's okay. it's all good. >> look -- loo >> you're make meg feelou'r better. >> you set his clothe out so s that's a pretty good thing.d thg >> well, he's four. f >> i understand. i didn't do that.di i was just like yeah, pick up, those clothes over there, thatrt will be fine. fin >> not fun is the traffic this i morning, erin, right. r >> no, not fun at all unfortunately. big delays all over the dmv at 7:16.. 95 north moving slowly dalewl d city to woodbridge. average speeds under 20 miles an hour. once you get closer to the springfield interchange youeld slow towards the bottom of thehe beltway. south of this point by 610 and stafford delays as you can canan
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um from falmouth. falmout inbound traffic delayed. delay but beltway to king streetway 15 miles an hour with congestion.congestion. i want to show you a live lookoy at our inbound bridge. inbound canal completely complet backed up as you try to get past foxhall road this f morning. we'll move our cameras ander a show you the look the keyhe bridge stacked from rosslyntackd into georgetown this morning.ows secondaries in georgetown aren r full and we have slow trafficwra gw parkway 123 to the keyth take a look at the 14th streetst bridge. not moving fast at all a crawling along withli congestion. same story the memorial bridgeob and then as we take a look atkt our maps other slow movingg traffic to get to.fic et t that seems to be the theme ofheo the morning.rn outer loop extra traffic onraffo inbound river road, cabin john j and clara barton parkwayon because people are exiting thent outer loop to avoid residualesua delays from an outer loop outerp crash that cleared by 123. it was shut down earlier thislit morning and caused quite a setback for drivers trying todrv get town to tysons corner. 295 completely backed upy cked u inbound in both directions and 50 inbound is also very slow. vs if you're waking up in up ann
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into the district you're goingio to hit that typical slowdown from 202 to kenilworth.ilrt crash inbound third street tunnel in the work zone bythe wn massachusetts. more slow traffic there.w that is your look at traffic.ffc back to you, wisdom. wis >> all right.ll rht. 7:18 is the time. t tim now to that scary incident onncn metro causing tense momentsomen for riders on the red line.d >> parts of the red line in of northwest d.c. were shut downown after yet another smokethmoke incident. fox5's bob barnard joins usns u live in northwest this morningmo with more details and again a a this is just like my nightmareit for me, bob and for many others. >> reporter: and i'll tellter: you what, we're hearing frome people coming from downtown dowt out this way that it's as madhouse again this morningin t because erin mentioned it earlier, there is some s unscheduled track work going w on right now which is causing single tracking betweenget dupont circle and van ness. and there are a lot of delays. we're here at friendship heights on the red line and sohr to try to ease some of thoseho delays metro is now bypassing, theiro
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woodley park and clevelandland park. park. park. that's what's going on rights now this morning. crazy delays here along thelo te red line and also you mentioned about last night or or over the weekend there was a saturday night incident in the tunnel back here betweenen friendship heights andip tenleytown. let's show you what it lookedoua and sounded like from some ofm e the riders that night.ight >> please, please, police. (screaming).ea >> reporter: this wasep saturday night aroundor 7:30.:3 a train filled with smoke ass it left friendship heightsp heht headed to tenleytown. metro is staying it was a possible arcing insulator, onene of those issues they've had here.he they backed the train and back b to friendship heights and evacuated the train.evacuate one of the ongoing issues heress in the h metro system and it and struck again over the weekend. e as you mentioned holly it shutts down the red line for a time tim
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on saturday evening for awhilewh there metro was saying we saying didn't have reports of smoke ofo in the tunnel or on any of our f trains but it did happen. hap it was captured on video.. we're not sure if thisf morning's track work isack wo i related in any way but againut a some issues even this morningor here on the red line, guys,uys, headed into the city. city. >> and just a reaffirmationffir bob we have an issue here with metro structurally.ra >> reporter: well, and i'llr: wl tell you what, paul wiedefeldiee the new general manager, man relatively new general managerag for met throw says in the metroo lay out their long term plans.n. hthey found insulators thatorha need repair immediately.ediate there are still some nippinge pp them. them they'll find out in a coupleut p weeks what they're going to do o going forward so these kinds k of things don't happen.appe they're frightening and as a most metro riders will tellill you they've got to stop. s >> i don't know if you had a't chance to talk to anybody down k there but they got to t be
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really nervous about dealingvo with metro atus this point.his >> reporter: and frustrated.rate we spoke to someone who justho got off a train here at friendship heights who said it was brutal. it's not too crowded on thisn ts train but it was brutal coming through the dupont woodleydley park cleveland park areaar are because they are singlereingl tracking and people are not n being allowed off haven't to come back so it is frustrating and frightening when you seen y what some people captured overt the weekend with a traind in filling with smoke in a tunnelun that's dark and you're having to evacuate. not only are you not goingoing where you need to go but g b you're going backwards haven't v to scramble out of a smokyf a train.train. >> bob, thank you.>> bth >> metro can't catch a break. be >> i know. right.right. when was the last time we the didn't have a metro malfunction in the last week or so. >> yeah. >> still ahead, what a weekend.we for d.c. sports fansan highlights from the ice and a diamond coming up.coming >> more trouble for johnny jnn manziel why he's been indicted by a grand jury.
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democrat donna edwards knows >>what it's like to struggle. divorced and without a place to live. raising her son alone. going without health insurance to put food on the table. but donna persevered. then she put that strength to work for us. protecting women from domestic violence. taking on the nra. rejecting wall street's cash.
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that's a powerful reason why we do. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> 7:24 is the time.>> 7 school officials in wisconsinia praising the officers who shot and killed a gunman outside olsi a high school prom.chool p they say the officersicer prevented what might have wmi otherwise been a disaster.isen the shooting began when two whe students were shot as they left the dance saturday night. police patrolling the parkingro lot heard shots and returnedetne fire. fire. authorities believe the gunmanli planned to enter the prom and po start shooting randomly.mly. >> more trouble for johnny joh
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the former closed brownssed bros quarterback has been indictedha bys a grand jury in dallas on a misdemeanor assault cg formal announcement isncent expected today.expe today. manziel is accused of hitting ht his ex-girlfriend so hard thatdt she temporarily lost hearing in one ear. if convicted manziel could spend up to a year behind beh bars. >> ♪>> >> monday morning is gorgeous out there.he listen, we're talking about aba summertime preview . just a couple of days but it'sa' going to be real nice. middle 80's today. tod upper 80's then we get some changes. early this work week the jethe treatment is to the north of tot us allowing the warm air fromm f the south to come in.uth com cool stuff up to the north of us. us. we'll tap into the coolertap temperatures by, let's see, see wednesday, thursday and really a into the latter part of the week as well. i think even the weekend is thed going to be cooler than we are e now but it will be closer to cse normal.norm. the weekend looks pretty good,yg temperatures in the 70's bute 70 as we get into wednesday,sd thursday, friday, temperatures will stay in the 60's.ll stay i6
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for some showers, too, bothooth wednesday, thursday and fridayfi so enjoy the next couple of of days. it will be a real nice summer preview. 51 in town. annapolis is up to 52. dulles you've come out of theco 40's.. martinsburg you've come out ofgo the 30's. culpeper is up to 44 degrees. super nice today. lots of sun. very warm.ry w temperature of 84.f4. some spots will get up to about 86 degrees for a high forh temperature. here's the seven day give you ge an idea what's taking place. pla two days in the 80's, that t ain't bad.ain't ba some places tomorrow will bew wb 90. spotty showers 66 on on wednesday. we so temperatures really do tumble.tumble thursday a lot of clouds, a l showers likely, 64.ely, 66 on friday and right now it looks like two 70-degree 7de readings for saturday and sunday.sund here's erin como monday erin mom morning busy traffic morning. mi >> busy busy gary.ary. 7:26 right now. we'll start you off with metro o updates. important information for you if you'rerm taking the red linel this morning. outbound trains bypass woodleyin and cleveland park to reds ucee delays.
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metro last updated us about 7:07.07. red line trains single sgl tracking. because of that about a 20 about minute delay between van nessayn and dupont circle.pont get an early start so you're you not running late for the redrhe line commute. as far as the roads are concerned 95 northbound delays n dale city to 123. 123. same story by 610 as you pass yp that out of falmouth you'llth yl hit all that staffordhat congestion.nges closer to the beltway jammedwa from newington to thee springfield interchange. 395 northbound beltway to king street down to 15 miles per mil hour and delays extend to the 14th street bridge wherethe you're completely i'll get out of the o of very slow moving traffic fromico prince george's county to 414o 1 across the wilson bridge bri jammed so we'll take a live a look at 66 eastbound as we as continue.inue. actually right now you can seein you're jammed 234 out to 28. back to you guys.u >> all right erin thank you. enh coming up an update onpdate that breaking news from montgomery county where a manou wants killed overnight in arnig park. >> plus new details about a aut family killed in a ohio.n a o the latest on the search for aha gunman plus what investigatorseo found at the scene of the murders. >> ♪
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♪ 7:30 the welcome back. live look outside right now. 51 degrees at 7:30 in the t morning.morn gary mcgrady says it's going toi be an outstanding day outside. we'll talk to him in just aa few minutes first we'll begin ag 7:30 with breaking news from overnight.night. assault at a park in montgomeryo county.coty >> now an 18-year-old is dead is and he actually might not be thb only victim. fox5's melanie alnwick live in gaithersburg with the latest ont this story. good morning, mel.od mning, me >> reporter: good morning,ng holly and wisdom. wisdo montgomery county police told us this morning that it turns out that three victims arrived at the holy cross emergency room r here in gaithersburg.. two of those remain hospitalized and as you said, the 18-year-old then early this moi
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succumb to his injuries, andiesa police tell us that it began, bn they got the call like around 10:08, 10:09 sunday night saying the 18-year-old had been a a victim of an assault here center way park in gaithersburg. technically montgomeryville latch area with just off of o vendor way road and also montgomeryville latch avenue. not much activity here at they e park. we really saw no signs of policc activity when we arrived here this morning, except for justors some crime tape that looked too be centered sort of around the baseball field area but still nl way to know exactly what transpired here or how manyw man people were involved.ved. also, police did not tell usl u exactly what kind of injuryy these victims suffered, just saying it was some kind of o they didn't specify whether thar was beatings or stabbing or really just not a lot ofa o information fr
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county police at this pope,s pop except that they are continuinge to investigate 18-year-old is-od dead and we do expect to have some more information fromro montgomery county police laterel this morning. morni. wisdom and holdly?ly >> all right, thanks, mel.ha appreciate the update there.e te we have new developments ine a suspicious death of af a 21-year-old in fairfax county.nt within the last half hour, police have identified theentifi victim. he is hoe sunk lee.sunk lee lee was found dead signed a townhouse on grisham lane inam n centreville around 4:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon theday aftee neighborhood was shut down forau several hours.vers police investigated.. neighbors say they heard a woman panicking before police arrivedd police say this was not a random act.act. happening today inppen montgomery county the mother accused of of disappearance of her two children will be in court.. catherine hoggle has aas competency hearing much she's charged with neglect, abductionn and obstructing justice.ustice her children jacob and sarah sar were last seen in 2014. 201 new details this morning ing the killing of eight familyamil
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>> multiple suspects are now arn believed to be at large after ar police made a surprisingisin discovery at the home where is the murders actually took place. fox's kelly right will wrightrit has more.has moe >> reporter: new details into i the investigation of the then oe mass murder of a family of eighg in ohio. as the state's attorney general confirms it was drug related.. >> we did find marijuana, um, in three locations.ns >> authorities believe more that one killer was involved andd they're still on the run.. this comes after eight members of the roads family were murder execution style in four different homes in pike countynt on friday.rida but the sheriff says it's not aa public safety concern.rn since the family was the targetr >> this was not something thatha just happened.apped this was something that plannedn a family was target, most of mto them target the while they were >> reporter: 911 calls cal detailed the tragic momentsomt after other family members founu the bodies
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>> my brother-in-law is dead.n-a >> there's blood all over theoda house. >> stay out of the house. don't let anybody go in there,of okay?? >> yeah. >> surviving family members are staying at a church due toue to concerns for their safety. meantime, deputes are stilltill guarding the crime scene. sce saying it's a sensitive investigation due to the naturet of the crime. >> i have deputes from my countt and other counties that are keeping the scene ser >> reporter: seven of theenthe eight autopsies are now complete with final one scheduled fored r monday. >> 18 pieces of evidence are now at the state crime lab at bci.c. those are being look at i our dna people. pe. >> reporter: there is now a $25,000 reward for informationoa leading to the in new york, kelly wright, fox news. ♪ hey, welcome back. bac temperatures this morning have i been starting off on the cooloo
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you know what, we'll warm upar nicely today.nice let me show where you we'rewhe o going much lots of sunshine of the starting off almost perfectly sunny out we'll be dry today.. we're going to also be temperatures warping up therep t into the middle 80s for some. not everybody but some of us will be mill 80ings right here h in town we'll be up to up t 84 degrees or so. hagerstown you're 80. 80. frederick, martinsburg up and ua down i81 lower 80s will settle t in manassas 85.5. 85 for culpeper and fredericksburg going to go for 86 degrees gorgeous by the bay this morning.moing. gorgeous by the river as well.el anywhere around waterdater temperatures will be a little l cooler. we'll talk about 72 degrees forr how does it get any better than that? >> 78 degrees for leonardtown.t. >> erin como agrees with me.agre there's one taker.eak here she is with traffic.raff hey, erin.hey, erin. >> we can agree the traffic is not near as nice as the weatherr right now you are all jammed 66d inbound coming in from virginia, manassas through centreville. 234 thr
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of the congestion is thision is morning. and then as you get signed thede beltway you jam up, too.p, let's switch it over from a look at our cameras and show you your morning commute is shaping up ih fairfax.fax. 123 northbound that remains shut down between 66 and hunter milll road they're replacing utilityrt pole at that location causingiog delays in fairfax and gw parkway inbound typical slow-movingng traffic 123 to the key bridge. b you dip down to 11 miles ans an hour. you stay really slow and heavy a across the key bridge intodge i georgetown and then also keep ip mind several updates from metrot right now coming through. vienna bound orange is off loading at claire ton due to due police activity.iv because of the red lineit singii traffic between vanness and dupont circle for unscheduledchd track repair they're sayingy're riders are experiencing in bothh directions delays of about 20ut2 minutes.mi so they're suggesting metro buss to get you around that. routes 42 and two and three and 4d1, d6 alternates.erte keep in mind the inbound trainsn are okay for red line but theut outbound trains are bypassingasg the clevelandpa
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park stations to keep thingsons moving. there you that's a closer look at thaert.a don't forget the outbound trains bypassing, inbound trains stilll stopping. and then we have big delays onen red line this morning in princee william typical slow-movingw-moi traffic on 95.fic 5. take a wide view of the districr with your next look at traffic. slow-moving traffic on lot of lo inbound routes as usual.sual. back to you holdly. >> thanks, err inn.hank new concerns about the danger of laundry dieter jenn packets pacs despite packaging changes. cha why experts say more needs to be done. >> the caps advance to the next round of the playoffs. the we got the highlights fromrom yesterday's big win coming up. .
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♪ >> that will get you going onwi monday.ll time check 7:40. ck, 51.check,he but we're on our way to the 80s. nice, clear, sunny skies outny s there. going to be a good one. be a od. gary will talk more about it ini a minute.nute first though happening todah a ground-breaking ceremony inemn the district on d.c. united's u' new soccer stadium at buzzard b point. 300 million facility which sitss in the neighborhood on the banko of thed anacostia river is sett be completed in the fall of 2182 now it is expected to createe nearly 900 jobs and at tract 1 million new visitors each ye year. it wasn't a sweep but whon' cares? the caps are still goini to the next round.ext r >> moving on. that's what it's all about. abo win and advance. they beat philadelphiaey philadelphia in game sixia in ms yesterday.
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they advance to the second rouns of the stanley cup playoffs. yesterday's game was scoreless until a second period the flyere couldn't score in the finalin seconds. final score in this one, one toe it was that simple. next up for the caps t whey'll ' face the pittsburgh they're rivals. rival the schedule hasn't beenhedu released just yet the games ones and two right here in d.c. because the caps have the homeah ice advantage.advan >> i know i'm not going lie a l little nervous about it but it b believe.beli >> you believe?>> b >> i believe that we will win.ww >> you and the cow bell believee >> that's right. >> let's talk about the nats. tl the nats set agnew team recordd this weekend in their matchup mh against the minnesota twins. >> yesterday bryce harper tiedch things up in the ninth inning with a pinch hit homer sending i the game into extra innings likl only he can, right? the game g would last 16 innings total or o five hours and 56 minutes.6 min >> that's all? that' >> just under six hours.nd six h that is the longest regularsteg season game in nationals historo by the way and get this, harperh was supposed to actually havectv the day off yesterday.este but was called up in the ninth e
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boy, did he deliver and the teat delivered as a whole final score nats win six-five.ix >> he should let his hair keep e getting high until they starttat losing. losi >> do you remember bellow thee clown used to be with ringling l brothers he had really tall hail like that. >> i remember jim knee neutron.u >> that, too. >> remember that.>> rembe >> new warning regarding laundrl pods.pods changes experts say needs toayee happen to make them safe forsafe kids. guess what? kevin sits down with people magazine's most mos beautiful woman in the world. >> what?>> w >> jennifer aniston.ennifeis >> what?>> wha >> one-on-one with her.-on- he gets the scoop on her new h n movie mother's day what she wat revealed to kevin about her first job ever. ♪
tv-commercial tv-commercial tv-commercial
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in annapolis, she battled republicans joseline peña-melnyk for congress... yes! and the nra to pass the toughest gun safety legislation in the country. i'll take on the tough fights to expand social security and keep the doors open to planned parenthood. my mom is so tough
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ne who's going to pay him more than us for doing the same job. i'm joseline peña-melnyk, and i approve this message. ♪ indeed it is a beautiful bef morning out there. 51 degrees is our temperature at 7:45.7:. sunshining on the white house.. >> puts in you a good mood,ood o didn't it?dn't it? >> it does.>> it does. hopefully we turn the corner for good. >> any time we can start the c t work week off on a good note,ot, gary, i'm taking it.ak >> watch out. wisdom has been known to takeoak the mike. >> are we on that again?? (laughter).(laughte >> you never left it.ou n >> that was one time, gary.tim >> here's we are.erwe a i'm not saying it was bad.t sa i think it was a great performance. i just -- it was funny.un >> he didn't drop the mike and a walked away. a done, that was it. was >> he didn't drop the mike. yeah, i kno
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him. >> as a matter of fact he still might have it in his backf it s pocket. you never know.r know at any time he could launch in n >> 84 degrees -- not right now. but today. today here in the city, warmm conditions.itio it wouldn't abnormal day if wead weren't giving wisdom a hardm h time. look at tomorrow.t morr 88 degrees. there's going to be chance of ab thunderstorm around tomorrowd t afternoon and tomorrow evening.. okay. just so you know. 43 degrees for 50 degrees for dulles.ulle 52 gaithersburg.erur these are current temperaturesee already warming u next hour we're going to have t five, six, 7 degrees more on ton of this. t and then it will going to be up, up, i was way. we're headed into the middle 80s. 85 or 86. o some of will you stay upper -- - lower 80s and upper 70s by the water.water. gorgeous this this mn clouds are to the north of uso back out to the west of us. of so mostly sunny skies. again, 84 here winds out of thee southwest about five to 10 milel an hou there could be an occasionaln gust here or there. he or so we have showers and stormsto possible tomorrow afternoon. more showers on wednesday.edsd the greatest it looks like
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looking at everything theat ethn greatest risk of rain this weeks will be thursday.hurs few showers on friday and they t weekend will be right arounde ro 70 degrees or or i did want to show you how warmr it's going to be tbe t that was i didn't mean to do that.ha you'll seat cool down on dn on thursday many, 64 degrees theret so just keep in mind after there couple of days that we're goingg to have in the 80s hereere temperatures will be basicallyal cooling off below normal valuess here's erin como with look at your monday morning traffic. 7:47. more metro problems right now rt witness orange line. lin they're bypassing the claredon e stop at this moment watch out wh for that.t and also virginia square. squ so be prepared.prepa also, vienna bound orange linene trains they were previously offy loading at claredon toe sotoe s that's a new update.pd their bypassing claredon. clareo in metro bus suggestions to to avoid these red line delays forr you. you. everything is on my twitter at t erin fox5 d.c. because the red line is bypas bypassing cleveland park as welw as woodly
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so give yourself time.elf a lot of changes metro with this morning. silver line update as well.uptel trains are operating betweenween wheelly and east falls church cc due to police activity att claredon. use orange line to operating. aside from n again, as i, as mentioned red line bypassing ana single tracking delays of aboutt 20 minutes.inut also, on the roads, delays. 95 northbound dale city tobound woodbridge really heavy trafficf and then again slows as you pass newington to the springfield s interchange. south at that point in staffordd backed up. closure on 123 between 66 and6 d hunter mill road utility pole p replace many we also have delayl on gw parkway inbound 123 to the key bridge.ri. 11 slow miles per hour there. 66 inbound is backed up as youds try to get through centreville this morning. morni and then inbound traffic 395 395 northbound to the beltway to t king street slow. s you're slow across the 14th t4t street bridge, wilson bridge onb the inner loop and then the in i your opinion third street tunneu a crash on the work zone. 295 south down to 11 slow milese
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we'll take live look outside. oi show you how the delays are shaping up. this is the american legionio bridge.brid the outer loop right now is very heavy.. it's starting to ease a bit.aset we had an earlier closure thisrt morning south of 123. also, seeing additionalee a congestion on river road inbounb clara barton and cabin john mucc folks hopping off the beltwaythl before their usual stops. s but the good news heading to hdi tysons the outer loop is gettint back to normal.l back to you, wisdom. >> all right, erin we appreciate. there are growing concernsor over children being exposed to laundry detergent packets. pacts about 30 children are exposed tt the dangers of laundry pods eaca day. chemicals can cause seriousio burns and if the detergent getst down the, new york the lungs itl can cause severe damage. damag experts say parents of young ofg children should avoid using laundry packets altogether. online e-cigarette ads coulc be making it harder to stopr t s teens from smoking. smoki according to new study middle ml school kids were almost threelme times more likely to use e cigarettes than their peers whoo never saw ads.
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high school students were aboute two times more likely to usese them.em last year cdc survey found 3 million middle and high school students said they were current users of e cigarettes. happy birthday apple watch. >> gad jest just turned one. o >> been a great year for theror apple watch. watch. estimated that nearly 12 millioo watches were sold this years y bringing in nearly $6 billion in revenue it definitely out pace c the i phones.s. 6 million sold during apple'sgpe first year. fi >> i litera literally only knowe person that has an i watch. >> i think i know two. >> you know one and i know --no two and i know one, threeneth people. >> clearly people have them.eop >> yes. >> also doing all right thein second week in a row tg he jungl book grabbed the top spot at tht box of it made more than $60 million60n this weekend and more than $191 million in under two weeks. the huntsman winters war debut number two spot with $20 millioi rounding out the top five t f barbershop the next cut, zootopia
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starring melissa mccarthy. ♪ >> in today's fox beat fresh off being named people magazine'ss world's most beautiful womanom jennifer aniston is starring inn mother's day.ay >> also starring in the movie actor jason sudeikis this is the fifth film that they've workedod on together, and kevin got theot chance to sit down with both ofb them.em take look. >> i love the sequence when youn go for the job interview withvih julia roberts.juli amazing sequence, and it's justt amazing how it turns out but i'i wondering for each of you, doou you remember your first joberr i interview? just job in generall it could be audition but in butn general like your first job youj interview.inte. >> oh, gosh.h, g >> yes. >> i don't even -- i just j remember working at sadudo' >> which was? w >> an ice cream >> at wayne center much the not there any more.ere any more. >> what did you do there, serve ice cream.r >> i served ice cream. c i was so chubby.ohu i literally
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milkshake and little left. >> absolutely. makes all the sense in theth world. >> why waste that. >> yeah. >> i love this.>> >> you're like a commercial.e li you're advertising for them. >> hmm this is a good one. o i david it it's really good.allo >> great line in the movie whicw stuck with me.k wi me. we're not who the world thinks t we are, we decide who we are. >> what does that line mean toea you as actors obviously we see e you in the public eye and watchw your films we see your careers. >> i wouldn't argue it's not isn just us. u people ask about social mediaoca but even the way -- everybody is famous win their own household o or their hone school therianthia community.un what we are presenting ourselvee the avatar we're giving away tot people may not be all wonderful. there's that theory facebook ana social media is creating a greag deal of depression because everybody is trying to keep up with this facade they're onlyy'o offering the best and most -- best selfie.. >> best selfie.el
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and interesting mealsla they'vet had.had they're not -- snob doingsnoboig pictures of the ram men or the pizza. >> some of them are. >> ram men.en >> ram men is awesome. awe >> i love ram men. it doesn't photograph well. >> mother's day hits theatersher this friday.. its it looks interesting. >> eh. >> e >> we'll have to see what kevihs has to say about saybout >> it probably will be . >> all right.>> all rig all right. al there we government that's whatn i was waiting for. ♪ >> all right. rht. fox5's spring concert seriesrt r continues this friday morningor with the muddy crows.. tucker barnes, erin como will bl out at farragut square park at k 17th and k streets to host thet show.. >> the muddy crows from d.c. an. they were voted best local bandb by washington city paper readere last y they're an exciting up and coming rock group and justndust
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european tour they played 25yed5 shows in 21 take a listen. ♪ >> mutter dee crow there is play at farragut square park friday morning warming up during fox5if news morning and really geteallg things going on good day d.c.. so come on out and join us.oin it's all free. f tucker barnes, erin como they're kick it down there.kick it do >> you know what i like aboutw t them they're totally differentol than the other two we had. >> yeah. >> that's fun. >> variety is good. vty >> it is. variety is the spice of life. >> that's right.s rig 7:54 is the time and that meansm it is time now for our facebookc fan of the day. it's to you want inform not onl is she our biggest fan but the queen of her family and we would -- would never have never guessed that with queen writteni in big letters across the top of her head.ea
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i didn't see that earlier. see a >> on the necklace as well.ces w for your chance to be the next x fan of the day leave a comment c and photo on the fox5 d.c. facebook page.age. >> i feel like we should bow to her royalty or something.etng. >> looking good.oo love >> loving today as wellell weatherwise.we gary that's where you come in.w >> i haven't gotten any any complaints yet. y always send me a tweet if you iy want to if you have something to complain about with today'sbo weather it's a little bit dutryy we did get a little rain this rt weekend so that helped a bit,it, okay? and we do have more raini coming this weekend.. this week and possibly into then weekend as well. we'll show you the seven day ini just a second really warm todayd sunny, too.suy, t look at fredericksburg, 86.ur you get close to the water wat annapolis how nice is that,e ist 72 degrees for high temperaturee pretty warm here in town.. we're 84 degrees.4 some places 85. temperatures right now still cool starting off cool out the there. reagan national 54. natnal dulles 52.2. bwi marshall still in the 40s ie but you'll warm up prettyp ptt quickly much lots of sun today,d warm temperatures winds out ofs the southwest at five toe t 10 miles an hour. h i promise this to show you theow seven day forecast. for you can lo
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weekend if you want. right now a chance of showersho possible on sunday. sda it doesn't look like a big deall right now. of course it's just monday so as long way to go to get there. tre next couple of days here in thet 80s. look at tomorrow. 88 degrees. drees that's just 90 degrees in mydegr book. here's erin como with a look the your monday morning traffic. >> right now at 7:56, we are6,e dealing with these metroet problems.obms. updates now from twitter orangeo line no longer single trackingg but delays in both directionstis because of earlier police polic activity at claredon.lado red line trains are singlee tracking between vanness and vns dupont circl that is because of unscheduled d track repairs. anticipate delays in both b directions for metro.or met as we take a look keep in mind m outer loop trains for the redhe line are bypassing woodly parkdl and cleveland park.nd park. you can only use inbound trains to get to those stops. in addition that we haveth we problems right now 28 closed at aiden road a new crash as yoush make your way out in prince pnc william county. c 66 inbound extremely slowly through manassas and centrevilll tons of st
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because of c i'll get out of the way.e wa same story 95 on the northboundn side through dale city andough woodbridge.odbr delays continue on to 395 to tho 14th street bridge. bdg more traffic in few. f >> all right, thank you erin ern como. coming up at 8:00 breakfastt feet food getting the pumpkinpkn spice twist.spice >> eat yourself skinny? we'llyw tell you aboute' the five foodsf that can help you lose weight. h i'm all ears.ars. >> i want to hear about this, h too. i'm hungry.. >> tollly. tlly. ♪ >> whim suit season is coming up. ♪
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>> this is fox5 news morning. fx live look outside on thisid monday morning, april 25th, 2016. it's going to be good one today. >> whoo! >> holding steady at 51 rightte now. we're on our way to the 80s. 8 gary will talk all about ourur weather.r. erin will update us on our our monday morning commute coming ug on the fives at 8:00 sorry fivey good morning, i'm holly morris.i >> i'm maureen u welcome to fox5 news morning. mi steven and allison are offre o today. let's get you caught up onu what's happening right now thepi search for killer in montgomeryr county this after 18-year-oldye died following an assault at a park. park. police say the victim and twod other people were attacked lasta night at center way park in gaithersburg. that was around 10:00 p.m.10 the victims were able to get too holy cross germantown hospital i where the 18-year-old died. die. the two other people wereeopl wr treated and released.eld. so far there no suspects. sus also, no suspects thats t police are tel
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the suspicious death of a 21-year-old in fairfax county.y. earlier this morning. morning police identified the victim. he is hosung lee.g now lee was found dead inside a townhouse on grisham lane in centreville around 4:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon much policec have not said how he died. d they do say, though, this is nos a random act.. happening within this hour,u a maryland mother due back inuek court to see whether she'shethes competent to stand trial.ent to. >> this is the case of catherins hoggle who is start charged in d the disappearance of two children jacob and sarah. and sh they were last seen in tent of o 2014. hoggle faces neglect, abductioni and obstructing justice chargesa the children's father believess catherine knows what happened tp the kids but doesn't want to to say -- stay because she -- say because she wants to remain atn the psychiatric hospitalyc currently treating her.hi today's hearing is supposed toww conclude testimony from expertsx not affiliated with that w facility.facility d.c. public schools areubli hoping to curb some after school violence by changing the releasr times for two high schools.. starting today, mckinley tech t
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out at 30:00 5:00 p.m. dunbar high school will let wl their students out at 3:25 p.m.. now the changes will also affeca each school's start times by 10 minutes.minutes. both schools are about 10 about minutes from the gnome ma gala g get metro station where there te was huge brawl involving aboutng 100 students just a few week ago.o. metro this morning facingacg new problems and scrutiny following tense moments thisment weekend for riders on the redrs line.line. >> parts of the red line wereth shut down after another smoke se fox5's bob barnard joining us ji live underground at friendship s heights with more. m what are people kind of sayingkn this morning, bob? >> reporter:.orr: holly they're saying they get on trains and they hold their breath and they're aware there's some issue again thisin morning.morng. some unscheduled track work thar is forcing metro to single traca between dupont circle and vanness. outbound trains are bypassingin woodley park and cleveland parkr altogether.tother. they're telling people to stayoe on vanness and come back to
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those two stops. sps what happened this weekend was w again another arcing insulatorat imagine being down one of thesee tunnels you're in train and it i fills with smoke.hmo that's what happened around 7:33 saturday night.g one of the passengers on that oa train captured it on his or herr cell phone. pne list stone what it was like.ike. >> please, please, please -- (person crying). cry >> of course that's frightening' people.peop were apparently jumping over o there was panic.nic. they backed that train up, back here to the friendship heightshi metro station, and off loadedoad the train here.ere there was another incidentnoth i earlier in the day on saturdayat at bethesda. both appeared to have been thest arcing insulators electrical issues dealing with the third td rail and as you can imagine it was frightening for people on o that train for people getting oo trains that have never had that happen to them they're telling l us this morning literally oneery man said i just hold my breath r when i get on the on ta it's tough going thi
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the trains are crowded. crowded there are people at friendshipli heights missed two or threeee trains waiting to get to worktig today,, guy >> frightening indeed, bob,tenid thank you for that update. turning now to politic. pol we are just one day away fromm tomorrow's primary in maryland.l john kasich will participate ini a town hall in rockville at the thomas farms community center.te he is the only presidentialsidet candidate with plans to make a k stop in maryland today.od many coming up 8:30 we'll checkl in with fox's bret baier foreror much more on the presidential race including news kasich and cruz are now coordinating theire campaign efforts to stop donalda trump from getting theng republican nomination.. president barack obama ist expected to announce major newan steps in the fight against isis today. today. >> those plans include sending i an additional 250us troops tos t syria to join the 50 special operations forces that are already in that war torn cunar t treatment president will makeprs that announcement in germany asa he wraps up his week long tripgp overseas it comes a week afterft ash carter announced theed t
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of troops to iraq. ♪ all right.> all r gary mcgrady coming in here 8:08 in the morning. m not a bad start to the day.heay >> no, no.>> you got love a monday thatonda t starts this way.his way. >> i was going to say. say if it has to be monday let it l start like t one mitigating factor. factor. >> temperatures are coming uptu out there and rea long way to gy to get to our goal here.e. we're 54 degrees right now. dulles you're up to 52. 52. frederick come up to 48 degreese 30s this morning. mor fred fredericksburg 54.derickur culpeper 51. annapolis is really nice, too,, at 55 the sunrise this morning wasng w gorgeous.rg mostly sunny skies today. today. that's the trend and very warm.. temperatures will go low to mido 80s for high today's. tay's we'll settle on about 84 for for high temperature today. winds out of the southwest atst five to 10 miles per hour. hr. and not only is today good, goo tomorrow is good. g we'll be up err 80s tomorrow.w. if we have enough sun tomorrow o think we will we have a chanceac of thunderstorm tomorrowrow
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tomorrow some place will touchlu 90. >> whoa!>>hoa! >> no. tell me about it.ll >> skipping the m whole springin thing jumping right to >> that's what happens around here. >> it >> it will cool again afterin tomorrow. >> that's what happens aroundwht here. here >> right. i'm really okay with 90 on akayn tuesday.a >> me, too.>> >> right erin. right >> i think that sounds like then perfect weather for tuesday.ay right now some more metroor m updates for you. y things changing trying to gettro back to normal. nma repairs outside dupont circleirl are nearly complete. compl crews are just doing their finan safety checks, and trains aresre continuing to single track withh about 20 minute delays between t vanness on the red line and tedl dupont circle orange line rightg now is no longer single tracking residual delays do continue inoe both directions because ofectioa earlier police activity at claredon.ared metro bus taking a look at their tweets because of traffic congestion at minnesota avenueeu and naylor road southeast busesb have about 20 minute delays inn both directions there.he so we'll keep you posted and for the red line bypassing woodleyso park and cleveland
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outbound side.tb you can only use the inboundound station to get through thatha there. 28 in and oaksville road andnd aiden road are closed because oo a crash.cras lots of extra time to get arouno that area in prince william. fairfax 123 shout down for houru on the northbound side betweenee 66 and hunter mill road.oad. utility poll replace many as we take look gw parkway inboundou slow 123 to the key bridge. 11 miles per hour key bridge into georgetown alsoa stacked up. you need extra time yourim y secondaries like m and wisconsis and georgetown dealing within w heavy traffic.y traffic same story 295 on the inbound id side by east capital veryit v jammed.ja back to you guys.. thanks erin.rin stop what you're doing and comeg to the tv you need see thiseehi really cool video of a whale siting in the chesapeake bay. >> what? >> this happened on fridayri afternoon video shows a 35 to 40-foot hump backed whale w breaching near solomon's maryland.nd fishing party on board the marcr lynn got front row seat to thisi awesome site. s the captain of the boat shot ths
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he says the whale reached aboutt a dozen times altogether.r >> that is incredible.redibl >> that is incredible.ncbl >> wow! >> in the chesapeake bay.. >> amazing. i can't believe it.i can' all right agent 08:00 our8: time. coming up rumors are swirlingg over cheating in jay-z and beyonce''s marriage after cherie lease as new album. woman whose being targeted inare what she had to say about the t allegation.algati >> rivetting.>> more trouble for johnny manziel. why he has been indicted by ad grand jury.d back in 30 in 30 sec.
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>> ♪ >> we're back now 8:09 on this among morning. taking a like love outside it is beautiful start to the morning g 51 degrees and only going to get warmer.waer we are pushing 80-degree pluseep degree temperatures today.ture gary mcgrady will the details ot that. erin will talk about traffick ao coming up on the 5's.. >> right now unfortunately moree trouble for johnny manziel thist morning. >> the former quarterback forer the cleveland browns reportedlyr been indicted on assault chargec much wisdom now back with moreim on this story. hey.y >> more drama for johnnyy formerly football.tbal the indictment is expected to be formally announced today.oday. but this just the latest inest string of issues for the embattled heissman trophy winn winner. manziel's caseel c last thursday at the request ofe dallas police. police. now, typically grand jury in dallas county only hear felony cases, but police wanted to sees if there was enough evidence toc charge him. manziel accused of of assaultint his ex-gi
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until dallas in late january.ana now she claims manziel hit herer so hard that he burst her h eardrum.ea part of the 11 assault happenede at a hotel where the two hadad been seen together.he protective order was signed in february that prevents manzielel from seeing crowley for twoy f years. ye now, if convicted manziel couldu face up to a year in jail.. manziel hasn't avoid the t spotlight since the assault allegations first surfaced. he was released in march bite cleveland browns.d browns. manziel was also dropped by twow agents in two months mostth mos recently last week after he wass seen parting at coach ella andnd nike also cut ties with johnnyoy manziel.. >> so what's interesting abouttg this whole thing with johnnyh j manziel it keeps happening overo and over and the drama justra keeps happening and he keeps --s agents drop him, teams drop himo and it keeps going and you're au like at some point --oint >> i go from feeling bad for bar him, you know, like oh, my goshh what waste of talent to now jusw being aggravate
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he even get that talent, he wasted it? why did he get theett talent, why did he get these opportunities? when if all f you're going to do is mess goino around. >> you make your own bed you'ven got to sleep in it.leep in i he's an add dull. he knows there are consequencese for actions.for ac pay the the p i'm thinking a page out of thetf your book much that's a wisdomsw martin right >> he clearly has problem, too.t he needs help on many differentf levels. >> i'll say. >> thanks, wis. thanks wis. coming up the breakfast foodbref getting the pumpkin spice twisti >> first, though, beyonce' shocking fans with her latestt album. the rumors about her marriage and another coming up next.p n ♪
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♪ all right. it wasn't a sweep but who cares the caps are still going to the next all that matters win and zaps. p they beat the philadelphiap flyers in game six yesterday yte they advance to the second rounn of the stanley cup playoffs. >> what?>>hat? >> yesterday' game was scoreless untilly second period andseco pr despite last ditch effort thech flyers could not score in thehe final seconds. s. final score, one to zero. zer caps will take on the pittsburgh penguins the schedule has not been released yet but games ones and two will both be right here in washington, d.c.ind.c >> correct me if i'm wrong isn'f this the place where the caps general i wly -- >> faulter.>> >> sometimes they get on thees t struggle bus at this point.. >> yeah. >> but not this year.othis not this year.
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caps. go, team! i'm getting in therene gary. >> i'm so glad they beat philly i think i want them to beateat pittsburgh more.ore. >> absolutely.>> >> i'm just talking abou at like -- obviously we want themat to win this but i'm just sayings in terms of the rivalry. >> you're going down. >> there you y g >> i'm glad philly wept down the way they treater us, come on n now. >> yeah, with the glow in theth dark things on the ice.ce >> it doesn't they're they're on to next year.on tnext we're still in it to win it.o w. >> that's right.>> >> they're going to play golfoig and going to the it lands. >> that's right.>> t >> here's -->> >> speaking of the islands weoft got island weather here. weath . >> that's right. >> aww. >> i forgot. f i almost forgot about tristan.. >> cutie pa taught tee. >> so listen. i don't even -- how do you top p tristan. >> i know. two years old all kinds of cutet >> there you you g >> he's like ready for, what,, , school? >> he's going to school.going to >> he is? >> check him out. c him out ready to go, too. go, t on the stairs.onhe sta mom, dad, come on, let's do th
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this. >> he has sunglasses on the toph of his head. of his head. >> so adorable. so adble. >> you'll need them today.'ll lots of sunshine.lotsf su if you want to send us youru y child's picture go to our facebook page, fox5 d.c. searcha that comes right up.p. and then you can scroll down anr you can find tristan's picture and add your picture on top of if you want to be considered fof my first five.ive. >> he's so cute.e'so cut >> cuteness factor is prettyre high with him. h bring your a game if you'reou posting. >> i got my jacket on, my jeansa my kic oh, yeah he's doing >> that's the deal with -- he's' ready for today' forecast f because he got to start off with the jacket.the >> right. >> layer up. >> and then you lose the jackete >> start them young.ou how to dress appropriate the. >> little chilly in the morningr but hot in the afternoon. >> hot. h >> little summer preview.e next couple of dayssu we're in t 80s. how about 84 degrees today? 86? for fredericksburg. 85 for culpeper, and over theret in annapolis, you know, by thew, bay, temperatures will be in the lower 70s.0s cooler bite >> sitting by the dock of theoc
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>> all right. let's check in with miss erin en como.. see how the roadways are shapini up on this monday. >> oh, they are still slow and w was just checking in with metroo to see if they were updating ana information but we're stillwee i dealing with some problems. so keep in mind red line -- red line no longer single trackingkn residual delays continue in both directions earlier track repairi at dupont circle between vannesn and dupont delays and oranged og line as well no longer single sl tracking residual delays too earlier police activityctivit situation at claredon and keep in mind as you make your way ouy on the roads we have slowav s traffic. 28 right now aiden road closedde because of a crash as you makeok your way in prince william county got worth this justsus reopened.reop. residual delays you're up you'rp against we do still have an active slows sure in fairfax, 123 between 66n and hunter mill road.oad. utility pole replace many 666 inbound very slow from manassasa through centreville into fairfax because of congestion. live look out side in cst
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395 on the northbound side isdie backed up some heavy trafficea f from the beltway as you pass pas through this location.rough thit making your way to the 14thioy 1 street bridge. b 14th street bridge is still s back up new york avenue inbound really slow passed florida frida avenue. avenue. let's take look back at our map f you're taking 50 inbound fromo annapolis you'll start to slow w at 202 through kenilworth heavya traffic as wel freeway eastbound near the thiri street tunnel a crash causingau additional delays.additi more traffic in few.more back to you maureen. >> thank you erin. youri family and friends of princeds f attended private ceremony for the star on saturday.atday. >> service was held at the latet super star's pace many parky pak studio complex and home. his sister teak today nelson former collaborator sheila e and former base player larry grahama were among those in attendance.e sales of prince's music sky s rocketed since his death last l week.ek >> tributes have been pouring ib constantly in honor of then hooo legendary singer including thist tribute from saturday night n life. prince was the focus the special episode and was hosted byte b tonight show host jimmy fallon.o the show was titled g nig
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sweet twins and featured clipsr of the artist performing on snl over the past four decades. dad >> think of that.>>nk 40 years. amazing.amazg >> makes me even sadder every time i see those.time i oh, my goodness. goodn okay. no longer have to join tidal tod list stone beyonce' hot new album.m >> you can now download lemonade on i tunes and it's alsot's als available on amazon. amazo now maybe you've heard thee d t chatter, though about the visual album beyonce' released saturday night on hbo it includes messages about her marriage. family and cheating until this i morning you could only watch ith on hbo or tidal at bum costs since the drop of beyonce''s new album rumors are swirling overve here green b is exactly talkingt about when she sings about her husband jay-z being unfaithful.l >> yeah, sorry beyonce' thinkshi about her husbands toes inn felf dull will the call becky witness good people are speculating becky
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rachel rohrer who's married to his former partner. rohrer took to instagram sayingy good hair, don't care, but wee will take good lighting forg f selfies or self truths always. y okay. we may never know the truth if f roy is in fact but i'm telling you the beehive wept in on her and she had to sd actually take that down becausee they're like how dare you rub yr salt in the wound. >> messy. >> do we need to know all that.a >> the tea is hot holly. sip it while it's hot.s kanye west making headlines this morning after he interrupted his friend at a lavish wedding inh e miami.. take look at how it all went down. >> isabel -- >> all right, all right. >> i'm going let you finish. >> obviously this was all inll
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good fun.od f kanye was making fun of infamous interruption of taylor swift ati the 2009mtv awards.wa he's gotten more out of parodiee of that interruption.nterruptio. >> than his own career.hin ca >> right. rht. exactly. >> seriously. all right. kanye good to see you smilingsei for change.foange >> right. still ahead another breakfast bt food getting the pumpkin spice s treatment.treaent. we'll tell when it will bee available. >> first though surprising newup study on life after losing a a spouse. how it actually might be good gd for your health? 8:21 is our time.
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♪ >> you will soon be able to get pumpkin spice in your cerealon.. because pumpkin spice cherrios r are on the way. w. limited edition flavor will iti will store shelves around labora day.y general mills says the new n flavor is part of an initiative tore vile lies the cherrioss brands after five years of declining sales. s >> that will do it. >> all right.>> i'm not a pumpkin spice fan. f >> i am. >> you are. >> i like pumpkin everything. i'll probably purchase that. tht >> okay. all right. take look at this picture ons pn your screen. the bowie volunteer fireir department tweeted this out thit morning. what they think may be a possible meteorite. met they say it caused a massive mai brush fire yesterday in somee woods behind scarlet oak terraca in prince george's county.'s cot the fire was particularly hardyd to they're
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involved to try and investigatei if this is meteorite or not. >> gary, what say you?t s >> the truth is out there. >> i say the looks like it if that's the -- does that look like a crater? crate >> yeah. >> that was the fire burned, yeah. >> wow! >> particularly hard to fight.yf which is a sign. a sign. >> yeah.>> yh >> some sort of a sell lee tee e ya'll event.. >> fire.>> fir >> it happens.ap it happens. >> goose bumps.umps goose bumps. all right.ght. >> listen -->> lte >> yes. >> to the crickets.the cricke >> i mean -- >> you talk --al >> we hear t (laughter).ghr) >> you talk about how nice itic is. i'm running out of the things to say to be perfectly honest.. >> erin is up.p >> upbeat it will be so, so nice temperatures out there thises ot morning in the middle 50s.. warming up. up. 53 degrees for culpeper.r 54 for leonardtown and todayod sunny skies, very warmer w temperature gets up to about 84 degrees or so here in town. t if you're by the water a littlet cooler temperatures will be inre the
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some spots making it up to 85 or 86.86. northwestern neighborhood irn n think you're more 80 to 82. t 8 so a bit of a range out there.he out of the southwest at five toe 10 miles an hour. mil >> this is your boring spellg s it's just like nice and eh e nothing like ---- >> do weather in san diego. >> exactly.>> e >> i do like the fact it'ske the really nice and we kind ofe nd f deserve it. we have a nice taste of spring n the last week around here.nd h >> i agree.>> i agree. i agree. >> it will cool off afterool of tomorrow. >> you can say the same thing te over and over as long as it's l' that we like it still.ti >> we're all good. all >> all right. >> thanks, gary. let's check in with erin non see what the roads are doing ong this monday. >> slow and new problems 882682 down from baltimore into thealte district two crash scenes.rashce southbound approaching 198 and southbound at 197 hughes hugeuge red zone there 95 southboundboun typical morning congestion shows whether you keep it to bw parkway or knife you're going ti hit delays get an earlier start. making your way towards the top of the parkway george washingtot parkway slow 123 to the key
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bridge.brge eleventh street bridge is slow.. slow moving traffic mover theic 14th street bridge from 395m 39 inbound as wel as we take look at our morningng commute 28 and nokesville road r and aiden road. r that crash scene cleared. cleed in fairfax county 123 shut downn between 66 and hunter mills.ill. utility pole replacement.lame we'll take live look and check e in with metro next. back to you guys. >> thanks erin.nks still ahead this morning donaldl trump's rifles teaming up to defeat him. him >> ted cruz, john kasich joining forces to stop the republicanuba frontrunner from winning theni nomination.ti we'll get the latest from fox'sf bret baier. thwh's coming up next. ♪ divorced and without a place to live. raising her son alone. going without health insurance to put food on the table. but donna persevered. then she put that strength to work for us. protecting women from domestic violence. taking on the nra. rejecting wall street's cash. powerful interests don't want democrat donna edwards.
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women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> live look outside on thisok o monday we're inching up there. we're at 54 degrees right nowndt 8:30 on our way to about about 30 degrees warmer, 84 could bedb our high today.oday gary will talk more about the mu weather in a second i nowd n montgomery county police arey pa searching for a killer.. police say 18-year-old teenagerr was tacked and killed. to other people were alsoeo attacked but tplhey survived.ur it happened last night at center way park in gaithersburg.g if you know anything about thati deadly attack, please givease ge police a call.poli cal so far no suspects polices are telling us about in theboutt suspicious dental of aious d 21-year-old in fairfax county. earlier this morning policeolic identified the victim. the vtim he is hosung lee.g l now lee was found dead inside a townhouse on grisham lane inn centreville about 4:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon.erda police have not said how he died. di
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not random act. another incident on metroncm this weekend. this time in northwest d.c. oncn the red line. between tenley town andteey t friendship heights metro stati stations. smoke was reported inside therti red line tunnel and on theel a train. metro says it may have beenmay n caused by an electrical arcing. the root cause still unknown. ahead of tomorrow's big b primary senators ted cruz and governor john kasich are team t ugh up with the goal to stopo sp donald trump much the alliance is getting the attention of the frontrunner.ner joining me now is fox's bretre baier g morning to you, brett. >> hey, maureen f morning. morn. >> donald trump calling this desperation and it looks like ll people are agreeing with him.een what say you about this latestst turn of events? >> well, listen, it is kind of a hail mary because they are t looking at the numbers. the cruz camp and kasich camp c trying desperately to stop toto donald trump from getting the
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1237. the majority of delegates needee to clinch the so cruz is saying he'll stay out of oregon and new mexico where kasich may be poised to havee e good nights against donald trump and kasich saying he'll pull out his efforts in indiana where cruz is head to head with donald trump there.he all in an evident to stop traumm from that getting to thatt ge number. now, it doesn't seem like on the face that people tremendouslyreu like tha >> right. >> they are buying the whole, we upping, the system is rigged thing.thing. >> trumps' argument.umen >> part of the party that isar s against donald trump and their thought they'll cole he wille wl sense around each other. >> kasich and cruz try as they e might i don't see them making a difference. donald trump at this pointmp a especially after that jugger j naught win in new york he almosm has an insurmountable lead if you will.. he definitely has lead.init if he falls short of thatt number, 1237, and if you game it out, and you give him optimistii
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states, he still is a little lil and if he is, he then has to convince the unbound delegates in the gop to come his way toay get the and their bet is that this is ti the cruz and kasich bet, thathat they won't come, and that they'll be second bout a third i bout a fourth ballot and someono will become the gop nominee. >> we're also keeping our eye oe the democrats and hillarynd hily clinton if you're talking aboutt insurmountable lead she sd sh certainly does have that on the democratic side but bernie s sanders hanginidg >> he is hanging tough. tou he has has a lot of money.ey he's going stay until thehe convention in philadelphia.delp and we'll see if that's theat'st clearly, he has momentums momem especially among young people pe and more progressive side of the democratic party.arty but hillary clinton as yous y mentioned has the numbers. only way bernie sanders wins isi if super delegates who now overwhelmingly support hillary clinton shift his way. and that's hard to see.. >> right.
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>> we'll see what happens s tomorrow but momentutommo is clearly only hillary clinton's side overall.. >> all right.>> our last one minute here, her president obama overseas makingn his way almost like a farewell tour through europe. he is with angela merkel vice, c chancellor of germany. the two have force add closedd e bond here. h what's this about? >> well, they have, and she'snde dealing with a lot of things loi including syrian refugees asee well as trying to keep europe together in the midst of this oi effort to break up the eu. the president weighing in on ala of that and saying, if the eu eu stays together they'll get thist big trade deal. dea still seems a little farfetchedt up on capitol hill and this environment but that's thet that president's pitch.t's also, making the pitch that thet u.s. is stepping up the efforts against isis in syria. sending 250 u.s. special forcess >> all right.>> a brett, they're giving me theg strong wrap here but it's good ' talking with wi you we'll of course see you tonight fo
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>> thanks a lot.>> >> thanks, maureen. >> hey sunny and gorgeous that's really the forecast not only fol today but for tomorrow.. we're calling this little summee preview. if it doesn't feel summer likerl for you enough today, then waita till tomorrow, because we'ree' going to go middle 80 today's.. but tomorrow upper 80s a couplee of spots with enough sunshineunh tomorrow could actually get up u to about 80 degrees or so andnd there probably will be a couplel of afternoon or eveningni thunderstorms to really make iti feel like a bit of a summertimee forecast. i don't see much humidity here t but i definitely seeing a littll bit more humidity tomorrow thanh what we're going to have today.d burt again it won't be iwon't b outrageous or anything likeythig that. cool temperatures are to thetur north. we're underneath the warm sidear of the jet stream here as longer as the jet stream is to the is t north this time of year we'lleaw stay a little bit on the warmhe side even hot but you know there's a but,ut, right, coming? here's the jetse stream dropping down towards tht end of the week and that willanl allow some of the coolermef th tem
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so we're going to be in the 80s today and and to but then the 60s as we start s getting into wednesday, thursday and probably friday as well.s temperatures out there rightight now, frederick you're up to 48. fredericksburg 55.burg leonardtown 55a lost 55 readinga out there right now here in thet city still at 54 degrees.ees. 34 more degrees -- 30 more30 m degrees to get to the high of 84 today. winds out of the southwest atwet about five to 10 miles an hour.h just loads of sunshine out there and of course obviously 84 degrees is warm. hot tomorrow, 88. 88. then we drop back down into thet 60s, wednesday, thursday,huda friday.iday. weekend right now some sunshineh temperatures right around 70 which would be pretty normal foo this time of year. yea that's your forecast. how about some monday morning traffic erin is it getting any a >> no. well, metro is improving we'll l get to that in just a minutein first update you on the crashesh and delays on bw parkway southbound.nd southbound crash approaching 19i is still there. southbound approaching 197 that cleared.d so one crash still lingering big delays coming down fromdow from baltimor
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give yourself extra time oh geth through bw parkway in that areae and then also by powder mill mil you're backed up. 95 southbound we are just seeinn typical slow-moving traffic traf towards icc.c gw inbound remains slow 11 milel per hour. all of our inbound bridgesridg backing up the 11th streett bridge slow.lo dealing with slow-moving traffif through the third street tunnel and 395 to the 14th streetee bridge big delays there becauseb of congestion. 123 north this shut down foris hours between 66 and hunter mill repairing and replacing utilityi pole so watch for that. tha as far as metro things getting t back to normal but some residual delays.delays. red line no longer singleingle tracking in both there was earlier track repairei dupont circle. cir only residual delays there andhd orange line no longer single tracking in both directions out by clarendon they had policead having have the watch for left t over slow moving trains.ra live look outside. show you how else our morning commute is shaping up around the inbound suitland parkway to theo douglas bridge jammed up
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trying to get into town.own new york avenue remains verynsey slow as you pass by bladensburgg and also 50 from 202 to kenilworth backs up statementat sorry 395.rry maureen. >> still ahead eat yourselff skinny? we'll tell you aboutbot the five foods that can actualll help you lose weight. w >> i'm all ears.ars. first, losing a spouse maypousey actually be beneficial to your health.heth. the surprising results of a new study next. ♪
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♪ >> back now 8:40 on this amongno morning.w looking at the capitol dome that scaffolding coming down. dn. piecemeally.em looking good, though.g od, repair work that they've beenhee doing all that okay. okay let's get you caught up on youro news this morning.or another reason to monitorsot the am of time your kids spendse on smart phones. it could make them cross eyed. >> researchers found thatearchef children who spend around sixun hours a day on their devices ana hold them less than foot from f their face are the most at riskk they recommend limiting their tr use to 30 minute intervals.nters new study shows that your ta job could literally be makingakg you sick. s according to the research, your, boss could actually be the one to blame. they say if your boss is the is type to pressure you into into working long hours, then you'rey more likely to call in sick. the study showed those type of f work environments had theiron highest levels of sick leave sic compared to those with lesss pressure. new study finds that women who are widows are happier. the journal of women's health'sh says widowed women
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lesley to be frail than marriedi women. another factor women live longen than men so married women mayom suffer from the effects of caregiver burden by devotingin themselves to caring for theiror husbands later in in the same isn't true for men,eor, though. the older they are the better tt off they are at staying marriedi >> i have lots of questions noww >> a lot -- yeah.- yh. >> 8:42 our time right n coming up the five foods to addo to your grocery list if you wanw to lose weight that >> do tell.oel live look outside on this monday morning empty men time, gary isi back with tosday's forecast. three letters, h-o-t coming up next.
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and we just couldn't say thno to that face.ns then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says... oh yeah, that's betty. you're going to want to do this alligator thing. and betty didn't lead us wrong. a little later we passed some dancing. and who doesn't like dancing? especially when it's followed by fireworks everyone's nola is different. follow yours.
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>> look at our eaglets. >> aww how fast they grow.y gro. >> they're getting so big.hey'rg i feel so old. >> can i say this and i mean no harm.ha they're not as cute as could be. >> their mother still lovessti l them. >> yes. (laughter). >> a face only mother could loe love. >> online voting as closed whata their names are going to be butt the national arboretum will makw the announcement tomorrow.row >> yes, we'll fine out theirut official >> they perked up when you said that.d >> they did. >> are we about to be named.t te >> they said did maureen call us ughly.ugy no i said --no sai >> that's why they perked up. w i'm prettype sure.ty s >> cute challenged.e chalnge >> cute challenged. >> oh, my forever be in our hearts.rt they're like, okay, sister, movv it on because you are forever -- >> they're giving you the wink.n >> right. >> don't talk to me.
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>> all right. >> gary, birds everybody isvery going to enjoy the weather tod today. >> i know. i know. it's hard to describe this any more because it will be so soaui nice much yesterday was just was flat out gorgeous.s the last half of saturday was sa great and we're just continuingi into this.into thi if you remember last week, weee, talk about we were going to head up intod u the 80s and that's exactlyxa what's going to happen.appe here's where we start thishe reagan national 54 dulles is 52. bwi marshall 52 as well. later today, drum roll, please,, right, manassas 85. dulles 83. gaithersburg 82 right here rht inside the beltway temperaturese of about 84 degrees. again, by the water. w. annapolis you're going to be g much cooler than everybody elsee but still nice. 71, 72 degrees.degr leonardtown 78.dt8. little warmer there.lemer not quite as much water aroundea you but still enough to keep yoe a little bit below 80 degreesder the way it's looking right now.. satellite continues to show no o clouds around. so a lot o
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we'll have some high clouds noun doubt.ub drifting on across. and then more clouds tomorrow ao it does look like the chances c for some showers andnd thunderstorms will increaserease tomorrow afternoon into tomorroo evening. it's going to be mild to startts the day tomorrow and it's goingg warm up nicely. up nicely. here's where we go on tuesday.. notice two, 3:00 o'clock we'llcc have few showers maybe a mbe possible thunderstorm firing upt as well. wel but temperatures in the 8 a little bit more humidity initn the air tomorrow.thom not much. it might be a little bit more noticeable.noti and if we can get these -- to -t hold off long enough with plentl of sunshine, it looks likeks l tomorrow we're going to go intog the upper 80s. 80s frontal system comes through. things will cool off on off o wednesday.weesda wednesday will be a littleesday tricky.wi n then tsome showers i forecast on wednesday but wne they're real spotty by no means is wednesday a washout and it's' looking like the trend who arerd with future cast to push thehe clouds to the south for sth f wednesday afternoon. aer so we could start the day with w some clouds an few showerswers possible wednesday. wnesd and then getting better as thett day
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sunshine. but it is definitely going to be cooler after tomorrow.orro 84 today.ay. 88 tomorrow.orro 66 just a spotty shower on wednesday.esy. we do have sunshine in the forecast. showers more likely on thursdays 64. 64 and as we get on into theint weekend at least sunday there'se a chance of rain right now we'll keep saturday dry.. maureen?ur >> all right. thank you gary. let's check in with thwisdom tom see what's coming up on good day d.c. >> hey, wisdom.>>, >> good morning to you.oomorniny all right.alght >> good morning.>> goo >> guess what? we're all overtl the big stories this morning anr the prompter is not workingptero we'll get somebody to help met out. thank you very all over the big stories on this monday morning.ayorni 18-year-old is dead after anft a assault after maryland park and police say he may not be thee only victim.icm plus scary moments for metro fom riders over the weekend after another smoke incident.ncid we're live on both of thosef the stories.stor also, at 9a, a social media campaign aimed at a gender aim neutral bathroom at gendernder neutral bathrooms we're talkingl about hash tag save bathrooms. coming up on good day at
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media mogul cary ann huffingtonn is live in the lot of she's of s starting a sleek revolution herr eye opening book plus we talk t politics with her.her politics, okay and go one-on-ono with jennifer aniston as well. l good day d.c. is just momentsts away. i'm going to see if i can geti c somebody to fix this thing so ws can have words when good dayd d.c. starts. sta >> okay. o wis we'll see in just a bit.t ab >> all right. all fox5 spring concert seriesrt s continues this friday morningyni with the muddy tucker barnes and erin como they will be out farragut square parp at 17th and k streets to hosto h the show.e sh the muddy crows from d.c. andm n they were voted best local band at washington city paper reade readers. by washington city paper leadery last year. they are an exciting up andnd coming rock group and just backc from that their european tourn t where they played 25 shows in 2s cities. take a listen.take lis ♪
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>> muddy crows will may the cro farragut square park friday fda morning. they'll be warming up during fox5 news morning and get thingi going on good did you today.d do c. come on out at as always it iss free it will be a great time. there you go. hey, holly what you got over o there in the kitchen. kitch >> i have the news that t everybody wants today. because we're about a month awah or so from memorial day, right?r >> that's when the pools allenhe open. that means when we're all goingg to be wearing swimsuits, and so if you have just like 5 pounds to lose, dr. shilpi agalwar says she knows how you can do it and chuck you willy do it by eatingt you have to eat the right rig things, right. >> exactly. who doesn't have 5-pounds tos t lose.lo. >> exactlexactly.ex five really great foods to addot to your diet to lose those last 5 pounds.ds. sugar snapped peas sometimeseas we're really for potato chipsohi and something that's really crunchy. shaggy snap peas is cold, crisp alternative to poe pay tow chipi and got tons of
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what that does really slows dowd our digestion and keeps the kee blood sugar stable. s so when you're eating these t you'll feel full, your digestios will slow down. slo d give eight try. try >> >> now, can i dip these in ranch dressing?es >> you could dip them in peanut butter which is our next option. so peanut butter. you want to get the good stuffod which is just the pure peanutsep sometimes a little bit of salt >> is this the kind of where itt separates? >> you mix it and store it sre upside down and that helps it ts not separate.ep but peanut butter what's sohas o great about it it's really highg in mono unsaturated fats. fat those are the fats that are verr healthy for you and they'reyou t linked with a flat belly.elly so peanut butter plus sugar snapped peas great option makenm sure your peanut butter doesn't have added that's hidden and not healthyea for you. >> that tastes up like puncheden up peanuts.ts >> i think i've lost 2 poundsous from one plate to the next.. >> per perfect. >> blueberries. b blueberries great source of antioxidants.
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our stress levels and so if s i we're not as stressed we're note going to be eatin eating as unha but blueberries believe it oriei not people will be surprised bys this a good source of protein, p one cup has about one and a halh grams of protein.amof prote people don't think fruits havenf >> i love that. >> good source of protein andf d great source of fiber. f 4 grams of fiber in one cup.n oc >> what about the natural sugar that's in fruit. i f >> that's okay because it'st's mixed with the fiber so it'ser s going to slow in your digestives system and not give you spikes i and drops in blood sure sugar. another trick you can put theset in the freezer bring them aftert dinner if you want a dessert itt tastes like ice cream.tastes lic >> that's good idea.e gooda. >> i'll 22 more. m >> we've got ginger also we knoo that ginger super healthy foreat many different reasons. r we know it helps promote a good digestion. heat thee digestion and healthyh colon and helps cleanse out your colon and all the studies arethe showing it now it reduces yourr appetite.appeti so if you have ginger in your tea, you have two cups of ginger tea take a spoon and scrape i
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off punt in hot water drink that twice as day guarantee you won'y be as asun >> i don't love ginger.. >> yeah. >> so like all of these other things i can figure out thou geg them in my diet ginger is tought for me.for me >> you can also add ginger to your cook.k. if you just add a little bit into let's say any of thesef things, steak, when you saute ie with that, you're going to alsot get the benefits of ginger.f g but really adding it to tea oreo having it regularly is going tos bring down the appetite. >> interesting. all right. last but not least.ea people will be shocked at his.ed >> people will be excited abouti this.te >> i know. >> steak very high source ofgh s protein and it's very indulgentt we feel good when we're eating t steak. i'm get giving myself a treat. t that indulgence helps people to not binge on other bad foods. fs mix this with vegetable people p feel like i've had great millinl feel full.l. having steak is a good way toa d get great sense of protein.
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these in the freezer this could be your desert. der >> peanut butter. peat b >> you're waisting away toou'rws nothing. thing. >> nothing. you already look like you've lost 5 pounds.nd >> i think so just in walkingnk down the linste here. now obviously you need tod t regulate what else you eat inat addition. it's not like we just add thesed five things to your diet your du keep your other diet you'll lose fie pounds. >> that's true.>> host f you're pro dominantlyoman adds these type of foods you'rey to the going to be reach fog the other bad foods.oo so you've got your source ofoue protein. got vegetables, fruits, all all these other things also havegsls protein and fiber. f guarantee you'll feel fullerl fl you're not going to be reachingr for that 3:00 p.m. latte you need with sugar or the candyhean bowl at work. >> i gotcha.. relist tick klee if we institute these in our diets, fairly soon, when could we start to see >> i would say within the nextnt few weeks. >> just in time for swimsuitr ss season. >> start to look really slim ani trim. trim >> love it. oh, my gosh this is like the best health segment we've done ' in some time.m at leave the most beneficial.efl >> i'll leave these all with yu
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>> exactly. he'll all of them tame, whathemw does that do.t d >> probably be too full for thel steak then.stthen. >> probable. all right. >> especially at >> always good to see you.s go appreciate coming into theing to kitchen today.kitc >> sure. good we actually could bely c wearing our swimsuits today,imst gary. >> we could be because it almosm will be hot later on thist r ont afternoon with theseteoon temperatures up into the 80s. t8 want to start this morning withw a look at your satellite/radarer together. only to show you that highow yhh pressure is still dominant inann control. so a high cloud or two. about the best we'll be able toa do. now, tomorrow we'll be upper 80s but a chance tomorrow for someom showers and some thunderstormshd and it looks like we're going to have an outbreak of severeak weather not for us, but back out into the central plai. it will be a very very -- it-- i looks like you have al very dangerous afternoon evening forg those folks in texas, oklahoma,, kansas, nebraska tomorrowomor afternoon and tomorrow evening g we'll keep up to date on that. 58 degrees here in town andrees coming up gaithersburg is up to 55. frederick still 48.ederick st so look, it's still chilly inhii some spots.sopo over the next couple of hours,fu
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numbers come up. easily jump into the 60s next 6n hour. then the 70s then it's up up and away because we'll be warme we're going to stay dry today.od and check out the numbers. numbs if this is the first time you're seeing this this morning, it'sn, kind of a bit of a wow factoracr right. 86 in fredericksburg.cksburg 85 for culpeper. 82 degrees in gaithersburg and if you like this, you'ree probably really going likeike tomorrow because tomorrow's higs temperatures are going to beoing into the upper 80s.. so two days here.ays middle 80s today. tod upper 80s tomorrow. tom then we get cool again, allgainl right. spotty shower around here onere wednesday.wedn but it looks like some afternoon sunshine for wednesday. wnesd temperatures will still be muchm much cooler, though. 66 degrees.66 a wet thursday right now the wat it's looking,, and then we stay aboutut 66 degrees or so on friday.. so maureen, enjoy. eoy everyone else, enjoy. enjoy especially the next couple ofhe days. >> don't worry, we will. d't wow thanks lot, gary. lotgary still ahead huffing ton post co-founder
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huffington will join to us talkl about the national sleep crisiss and how to tic a lot of talk about bathrooms br and trance jent people in thee news lately.jenews l we'll show you how d.c. is. is making sure it's not an issue in the unable nation's capitol. good day coming up next.
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the nra and its campaign cash are what stands between us and gun reform. "searing tragedy struck in a place parents felt their children were safe" chris van hollen met with nra lobbyists to craft a loophole that would let the nra skirt a new campaign finance law and block gun control. but democrat donna edwards said "no" to the nra loophole and stood up to the gun lobby. and she would ban assault weapons. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator. working for us pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ straight ahead, an 18-year-old dead after an aer overnight assault.ault and he might not be the only victim. >>
9:00 am
trump.p >> i'm going to come in with amh ton of delegates.el donald trump is going to come im with a ton of delegates and one of the two of us will be the the nominee. >> ted cruz and john kasichhnas agree to work together to blocko the gop frontrunner and wait and until you hear how the donald is responding. metro melt down.. more red line issues thiss thi morning. on the heels of another smokemo and fire incident undergroundnd over the weekend. have rider has enough?h? and later, beyonce' getting personal about some possibleossi trouble in paradise.arad the lyrics from lemonade that have fans fuming at jay-z.ay good day at 9a starts now. ♪ all right. right. good day d.c. 9:00 o'clock is the time on this monday, april 25th.pril 25th. i'm holly morris alongside ofsie maureen and wisdom.m steve has the morning off. all right. al this morning, we got a lot towel


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